Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Today's Adventure at the Vet

I scheduled to bring both of the dragons to the vet today as I wanted Katara to be looked over and have a fecal run and my vet advised to bring Fuego in so she could get a weight on him and see how his tail was healing up. Since Fuego flips his lid whenever he sees Katara I had to put paper over one side of her traveling container so he couldn't catch site during our rides. Luckily, this tactic held up despite the bumps and traffic I encountered.

Once I arrived at the vet, I got the nice surprise that a picture of Fuego was posted on their large message board. I filled out the paperwork on Katara and after only waiting a few minutes one of the techs who I've come to know since Fuego's surgery came out happily greeting us, and admiring Katara, and brought us to one of the exam rooms where I gave details on Katara which she relayed to my lovely vet (Dr. Jennifer Mateleska at Fresh Pond Animal Hospital for my local readers). Dr. Mateleska gave Katara a thorough exam and noted that she looked fantastic considering her MBD and previous living conditions. For free, she did an x-ray to ensure there weren't any fresh bone breaks and came back reporting nothing was abnormal aside from the fact that my not-so-little girl is carrying eggs. We have no idea how long she's been containing them but we are taking the wait and see approach at the moment before surgically removing as she's eating, having bowel movements, and is active. Will post the x-ray tomorrow as my home computer is giving me errors during loading, of course.

Fuego's "exam" showed that he almost doubled in weight in 2 1/2 weeks! I noticed my boy was a bit bigger but had no clue that he had increased so significantly in size. He's finally on track to being the giant, chubby male I always envisioned him as an adult.

Most of the staff came into the exam room as some point to greet Fuego (as I previously posted, he won a lot of hearts during his surgery) and I got to use the occasion to educate them on bearded dragon care and passed out the business cards I made for the rescue. One of the technicians was considering getting one after her son saw pictures of Fuego and she seemed ecstatic to get one through a rescue versus a pet store. Cannot describe how happy I am to have found a vet, and a practice in general, who embraces my reptiles so readily.

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