Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Call from the Vet & First Rescue Retrieval

Got a call from the vet shortly after work that they had received the results of Katara's fecal exam and she had two types of parasites - pin worms and coccidia. Both are fairly common in bearded dragons but of course they require different types of medicine for treatment so I got to make an unplanned trip to the vet to pick up the vials (goodbye $33) and learn that I have seven days of fighting with my girl to get her to take said medication and follow it up with another fecal exam in a month to ensure it worked. Owning these guys is a labor of love for sure.

After that excursion, I raced 40 minutes North to pick up my first reptile rescue. Google Maps got me there with next to no incidents and I met the guy surrundering, transferred Blink (now named Vader courtesy of my boyfriend) to a travel container, and blasted the heat in my car for the whole ride home so he could be comfortable. Once home, I moved him to his new temporary home (a 20 gallon long tank equipped with a log hide, a "moist" hide made out of a tupperware container half filled with dampened peat moss, and another hide made with the bases of plant holders) during which he tried to bite me so he'll need some work on socialization before adoption but it shouldn't take long to turn him around. I was happy to discover he's a lot chubbier than the picture I had so his weight is appropriate and he's in the process of shed which means he just needs some time to settle in, get used to handling, and he'll be good to go. Pictures will be forthcoming but didn't want to add any additional stressors after taking him from his home, a car ride, and a new home in an unfamiliar place.

Now in prep mode for the rescue dragon I am picking up tomorrow. Thankfully I have some amazing friends and am getting a 40 gallon breeder tank & accessories for free on Thursday so rescue boy can be upgraded from his too small tank to an appropriate environment by Friday. Hoping his fecal results come back negative so he can be in a forever home sooner than later.

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