Saturday, September 8, 2012

Where were we?

Holy goodness, where to begin. Maybe some bullets will help.

  • Daisy is now being fostered by another rescuer and is doing well
  • Pacino was diagnosed as having a URI and the beginning signs of MBD (on top of being skinny) so he's on an antibiotic, liquid calcium, as well as liquid probiotics and a food supplement as he continues to refuse his salad
  • Still trying to find a new home for Vader but am continuing my work on socializing him until that happens
  • Katara also had a URI for she is on medication and being a grumpy face per usual
  • Fuego has almost literally exploded in size so I am cutting back on his protein to help thin him out a bit
  • Memphis has grown as well and in a few weeks will be moved to his "adult tank"
I know those are short bullets but it translates to a lot in real life. My mornings consist of making salads, administering medication, and misting tanks all before I eat breakfast and go to work. Upon my arrival home I do more feeding, usually some poop cleaning, baths, and then take care of the nocturnal creatures who are Memphis (crested gecko) and Vader (leopard gecko). Imagine this might sound like I'm complaining but this "work" honestly makes me immensely happy and I can't wait to add more critters to the menagerie. 

Oh! The rescue will be filing the paperwork for our 501(c)(3) status this weekend. I cannot express how happy this makes me and how proud I am to be a part of this organization.

Also, apologies for the seemingly random scattered photos but hate all text entries. Hopefully you don't mind too much...

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